Grave Decoration with Chippings
Stone chippings
It is one of the simplest, cheapest and most popular ways of covering, most suitable when there are no conifers above the grave. In addition, this decoration has a number of other advantages: – you will be able to choose the type, color, size of chippings and create the tomb design you want by applying and combining a variety of patterns and colors – you will not incur significant financial expenses – enjoy a long-lasting grave design with durable chippings – its an extremely practical choice to prevent weed growth This process of decorating is quite simple, with a special material that prevents weeds from sprouting on the grave, by pouring of granite chippings on the grave. Please note that the chippings used are permeable to water, so the ground is breathable and does not rot. If you decide that chipping is the best option for you, remember that it is recommended that you replace the gravel every five years, since unfavorable weather conditions and other factors adversely affect the chipping coverage – with dust and dirt (needles, earth, etc. ). So if you want to keep it nice for a long time, look after it carefully.